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Team up to Support Summer Learning

Families and teachers are a team with a shared goal: student success. When we build trust and a solid game plan, nobody can stop us.


Communicate grade-level progress

This simple 3-step tool helps guide listening to families, sharing end of year data, and identifying key skills to work on over the summer. Grades alone don’t give parents the full picture of how to support their child.

How to break down test scores

Understanding Assessments: A Tool for Families is a helpful guide for breaking down what different test results mean. Use it to inform your conversations with families, or print and send it home along with test results.

Lean into candid conversations

Sometimes honest conversations about students’ grade level performance can feel hard but they don’t need to be. Use this “frequently asked questions” resource to support you as you listen to families and navigate these conversations.

Show families you care

Like any relationship, building trust with families is key. Making a personal phone call during key points of the year (including at the end) can go a long way. It also helps you better connect with students in the classroom! Check out these educator resources including Conversation Starters and more from the Parent-Teacher Home Visit Program.

Hear from an educator on how you can partner with parents and families to improve partnership and engagement.

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Did you Know?

Nationally, 9 in 10* parents believe their child is at or above grade level in reading and math. Yet, only half of students started the school year on grade level**.

*B-flation: How Good Grades Can Sideline Parents, Gallup 2023
**School Pulse Panel 2022-2023, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
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