88% of St. Louis parents report their kids get mostly A’s or B’s on their report cards.
But grades don’t tell the whole story.*
Here are 4 ways to team up with the teacher.

Help the teacher get to know your child.
Try this Dear Teacher Letter to share your child’s interests, strengths, and where they need more support.
You don’t have to wait for a scheduled meeting or event with your teacher. The teacher is one person with a lot of students. You are the expert of your child, share what you know!
Find out what your child is expected to learn this year.
Have your child take this short Readiness Check to see how they are doing with grade-level math and reading skills.
You don’t have to be a subject area expert to advocate for your child’s needs. Use these questions to ask your child's teacher about reading and learn how to help at home.
Make a game plan and stay connected.
Use this 3-Step Planning Tool to make the most of parent-teacher conferences.
Grades are only one part of the story. Ask the teacher about the different ways to know how your child is progressing such as beginning of year ‘benchmark’ tests.
Learn about Missouri's Read, Lead, Exceed Literacy Initiative.
Find out about new services to support reading development for your child.
Even if your child has not been identified for a reading success plan, ask your teacher for suggestions for regular parent-guided home reading.
Hear from Activate STL about the importance of going beyond grades.
Did you Know?